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Dr. Naomi Bailey-Cooper FRSA

With over 10 years working in fashion design and research, I launched the Fashion Research Studio to develop tailored environmental and ethical design processes to help industry meet pressing sustainability targets. I have a PhD developing decorative alternatives to fur and exotic animal materials, and specialise in incorporating alternative non-animal materials within a circular product life cycle.

I have worked with Collective Fashion Justice, the Institute of Positive Fashion (British Fashion Council), Leeds Creative Labs (University of Leeds), the Big Do Lab (University of Borås), the Innovation Insights Hub (University of the Arts), Burberry, and Gucci X the Design Against Crime Research Centre (University of the Arts).

My independent practice has been exhibited in various exhibitions, most prominently the Fashioned from Nature exhibition at the Victoria & Albert Museum, Design Research for Change at the London Design Festival, and in various publications which include Historical Perspectives on Sustainable Fashion, Fur: A Sensitive History and A Practical Guide to Sustainable Fashion.

I have delivered a Keynote speech 'How can we design alternatives to animal materials?' at the Conscious Festival, Singapore, and spoken on various panels including 'Green is the New Black; outfitting the fashion industry for a more sustainable future' at COP26 and 'The intersection of craftsmanship and sustainability, how to reinvent product design?' at the Hong Kong Fashion Summit.

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